Message from Your Community League Board
Spring 2025
Spring 2025

Spring is in the air and with spring comes change! This is the time of year where we start seeing construction and new developments in our community. For the past nine-plus years, our community league has been lucky to have an active and committed civics committee. This committee has been essential to get information out to our community and engage with civic matters that affect us all, such as the recent change to Edmonton’s new Zoning Bylaw (Charter Bylaw 20001) and city-wide rezoning (Charter Bylaw 21001). These bylaws were approved by City Council on October 23, 2023, and came into effect on January 1, 2024. The Zoning Bylaw will allow for developments that, in the past, may not have been approved within a community but will now receive that approval. Our community league remains committed to bringing you as much information on any new developments that we can. The best way you can stay informed about what’s going on in Woodcroft is to sign up to our email newsletter and follow us on social media. You’ll also be the first to know about all the exciting events we have planned for our community members to enjoy, no matter the season!
If you’d like to get more involved with what’s going on in Woodcroft we are always happy to welcome new volunteers! We currently have positions open in our newsletter team and our social committee. So if you love to write or have some ideas for events, please contact Arlene at or As always,
we are grateful to all our volunteers for their help and support!